Located opposite Lake Weeroona in Bendigo. Gentle Spirit Yoga is a little oasis where you can experience the benefits of holistic gentle practices in a supportive & nurturing environment to Restore Balance Within.
Yoga style:
It is through my love of Hatha and Satchidananda yoga and the exploration of other styles that inspires my own unique holistic nurturing approach. Yoga isn’t something we do. Yoga is a mindset, a way of ‘Being’ that is reflected in our daily lives and enhances our wellbeing. Union between body, mind and spirit, ‘Yoga’. Yoga is a complete practice made up of many parts. Asana (postures) is one part or limb that is the most recognised. Throughout a class we explore all eight limbs of yoga on a subtle level offering a complete practice.
Meditation (Dhyana) is not seperate from but the seventh limb of yoga. The first six are the preparation for meditation. I love to explore different ways to meditate and to challenge the set way meditation is perhaps perceived. I am here to guide and encourage you to practice and experience meditation through exploration of your body and the senses in various forms. To find what best suits you. We will explore a variety of techniques such as sound and vibration through instruments and mantra, visualisation, observation, the breath, movement and body awareness. Meditation can be a formal practice as well as simply remaining mindful throughout your day. Meditation isn’t about stopping the mind chatter referred to as the monkey mind. Meditation is being where you are, present, aware and awake through observation, acceptance and surrender to what is. What you seek is not outside of yourself, peace is your essential nature obscured by the demands and busyness of the mind. Meditation goes beneath the chatter and trains the mind.
Yoga is the path that leads the way.
Yoga is a journey that invites peace, calm and equanimity one breath at a time.

‘Peace of mind is happiness, Yoga shows the way’
Swami Vishnu Devananda
Meet Gwynn:
Firstly, my name is pronounced as Gwinn (the ‘y’ has an ‘i’ sound as in ‘win’ and yes it’s Welsh).
My yoga journey began in the early nineties with Hatha and Satchidananda Yoga. With a gentle nudge of encouragement from my yoga teacher and lots of study and practice, I began teaching Yoga in 2014. In 2020 I completed further studies expanding my knowledge and experience in ‘Teaching and Guiding Meditation’. Music also features strongly through my journey. Whether it’s through mantra or instruments as sound and vibration can have a profound healing effect on body, mind and spirit. Learning never stops. I am always exploring, researching and reading or attending courses by Yoga Australia in order to expand and gain knowledge to share. Further enabling me to provide a gentle empowering experience, encouraging us to get out of our head and into our heart and body. Yoga doesn’t have to be complicated, we just have to be present.
As a quiet, spiritual person, I love the deep connection that yoga instils and the guiding light it offers encouraging me to be the best person I can be, to live my best life. Yoga awakens joy and peace within me through a deep connection to Spirit. Like anyone, I am a work in progress, far from perfect, always exploring, learning and growing. That’s what makes life interesting and exciting. Yoga is celebrating life one breath at a time.
Love & blessings, Gwynn xo
Diploma of Yoga Teaching – Victorian Institute of Yoga Education and Teacher Training (VIYETT)(2014)
Advanced Certificate in Guiding and Teaching Meditation – Australian Centre for Meditation and Mindfulness (ACMM)(2020)