A new day a new beginning

A new day a new beginning

A new day, a new beginning, a new year. I don’t normally make New Years resolutions but this year I did.

I made a promise to myself to take better care of me. To listen more closely to my needs and to love myself unconditionally.

The message was from the heart, a quiet voice inside of me saying enough is enough.

It can be so easy to get lost in the sacrifice of ourselves for the sake of others needs and wants. But the real challenge and commitment can be remaining open with an unconditional loving heart toward yourself, especially when we slip up and revert back to old habits. When we do slip up, which is natural and what it means to be human, we can love that part also.

Imagine the possibilities when we open ourselves to loving thoughts and wishes rather than chastising or criticising when things aren’t how we want them to be.

Everyday is a new day a new beginning

No thing is perfect, no one is perfect, no moment is the same. We are not the same person from one day to the next. We are forever evolving, growing and changing. That is the nature of life. The best thing we can do is to allow life to flow by letting go of resistance and being open to explore what the Universe has to offer, which is far greater than our limited thinking.

It is through loving ourselves that we can awaken our full potential. As it is through self love that we can explore our deepest desires. That place in our heart that knows and longs to step into who we truly are. This is a place of true inner peace.

I invite you to open your heart and embrace yourself. As you do this forgive yourself for all the things you thought you should or shouldn’t be. It is only through loving yourself completely and keeping coming back to this special place that the heart fills with joy and your soul sings.

A new day a new beginning

Remember that everyday is an opportunity to begin again.

Love knows know limits or boundaries

When we open our heart to self love it gives us permission to be kinder toward ourselves. To show ourselves compassion and to accept how unique and beautiful we are with all our little intricacies. Self love demands respect, honesty and care. The world needs us to love ourselves so we can share that love with the world.

Unconditional self love is your superpower

Love always finds a way.

Love is the answer.

When things are challenging and life is getting you down or you are unsure of yourself, embrace yourself in a warm hug. Show yourself kindness. Ask what it is that you need in this moment to love, care and nurture yourself and fulfil your own needs and wants.

Listen… for the answer through the whisper of your heart.

Self love is beyond all resolutions

Self love is the ultimate intention. All else will fall into place when you accept, care and love yourself completely.

Here’s to a new day, a new beginning filled with the opportunity to take good care of us.

Blessings, Gwynn

Further reading:

Stop trying to be everything to everybody

Embrace your imperfections

Create the life you want

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